Beat and Strike Massage Simulated human hand massage aims to relieve muscle strain and promote healthy circulation.
Acupuncture Massage Low-frequency current massage on acupuncture points to clear blocked meridians and regulate the immune systems
Scrapping Massage Placing on acupuncture points or strained areas causes the body to excrete intracellular toxins and improves metabolism.
Kneading and Manipulation Massage Massaging stimulates cell growth???improves local tissue temperature???dialation of capillaries???improves blood and lymph circulation and regulates bodily functions.
Squeezing Massage Squeezing acupuncture points activates local cells???promotes circulation and relieve muscle stress.
Streamline Dynamic Design Derived from Ferrari???s streamlined design???the casing paint process exemplifies the highest quality.
Exclusive Color Screen Design The new generation Relax Medic Digital Meridian Massager utilizes a color screen design in both Chinese and English that is clearer and easier to use.